It is considered by all human beings that the universe and its inhabitants are created by the super powerful God. The Almighty has empowered us human beings with the power of rationality and thinking skills. Our brain directs us for each activity. For example, if it is cold, then our brain directs us feel cold. In this ultra-fast age of technology, we consider computers to be super powerful. Sometimes I really wonder how a machine can calculate things, correct errors and perform multiple tasks at one time.
But this magical device is also the creation of the human brain only. This is the power of our mind that we are able to create things that can sometimes look as we dream. The human brain is actually divided into two hemispheres- right and left. The right side of our brain is used in case of creative activities. Artists, painters, ad makers, filmmakers, poets and designers use their right hemisphere more frequently. On the other hand, language processes of the left hemisphere is logical assumptions and helps focus attention. Those who are good at math or are in an investigative profession, often use the left side of their brain.
On a normal day, we use both sides of our brains. But in each individual, there is a tendency towards a particular hemisphere; that is why we vary in our logical and creative skills. In the case of children, it is very important to give them some good exercises to do to their brains could be increased. Some of these exercises are briefly discussed below: -
& Bull; Of all the media tools, television is still considered the most effective means for its audio-visual in nature. Visual exercises like making origami shapes and animals can help children in strengthening the power of the right hemisphere. Children can be provided with items such as clay or construction paper to express their inner feelings
& Bull; Through the game, parents can improve the power of photographic memory of their children. This memory is directly related to the right brain. Parents can do some minor changes in the room of their small and can then ask them about the changes. Children take it as a game to play and so they are interested in it also
& Bull; Some search results that come with writing activities improves the analytical side of children. Learn sentence structure, using spelling and grammar, construction of a paragraph describing helps children strengthen their left brain function
& Bull; The puzzles are also a great way to empower the left side of the brain. Since logic and reasoning required to solve a particular puzzle, so it is a good idea for toddlers and young people to play these games
Brain stimulating activities for the development of the whole brain take many forms and patterns. However, what you want to use will depend on what exactly you want for your children. If your child is strong left brain, you have to work very hard to improve the other side. It & rsquo; s the challenge of education.