Shyness can stop us in many areas of our lives. Overcome our fears and anxieties while building the courage frees us to live the kind of social life we want. The following list contains 101 ways to overcome shyness.
Use your mind
1. Stop thinking logically, it only gets in your way
2. Change Social Social pleasure through pain to feel good while being social
3. Visualize your success
4. squash negative thoughts immediately
5. Do so confident
6. Always welcome mentally to take action
7. Create habits confident
8. Analyze and learn from your shyness
9. interruption shy thinking patterns
10. Get therapy to overcome past traumas
11. Remove your negative social beliefs
12. Remove any limiting beliefs you have about yourself
13. As you focus only on what is great about you
14. Stop judging yourself
15. Realize no one is watching
16. Accept your fears, there is nothing wrong with you
17. Breathe deeply to relax
18. Understand where your fear comes from
19. Understand often in our evolution
20. Realize there is no such thing as failure as you try
21. Clear your mind of all thoughts
22. To live fully in the present moment
23. reprogram your subconscious until you are convinced that you are confident
24. Meditate
Build Your Courage
25. Learn strengthening of trust is like a muscle training
26. Write a list of all your fears
27. Take baby steps in conquering your fears small
28. Or ... tackle your biggest fears front
29. Set goals in writing
30. Work on them relentlessly
31. Accept no excuses
32. Respect yourself
33. Stand up for yourself
34. Create mental anchors trust
35. Acquire knowledge about your fears
36. Gain experience in their treatment
37. The use of overwhelming force to destroy
38. take action whenever you feel no fear
39. I believe that fear but do it anyway
Improve your social skills
40. Strengthen your voice
41. speak with confidence
42. larger stand (do not look at the ground)
43. Use your eyes to communicate
44. Move slowly and deliberately
45. Relax your shoulders
46. how to tell a good story
47. Really listen to others when they speak
48. Be cheerful
49. Get out of your head and into the moment
50. Smile often
51. Bring positive energy in your interactions
52. Add value to others
53. be in harmony with who you are
54. Vibe with other
55. Improve your sense of humor
56. Practice personal development in all fields
57. Connect with people who share your values
58. Have fun at being social
Motivate yourself
59. Realize you will die
60. Imagine your life without change in 10 years
61. Imagine your life 10 years from now when you can not even remember your shyness
62. Look at all areas of your shyness is holding you
63. Think about how much more full of life you can be once you overcome
64. Strive for complete social freedom
65. Be inspired ... this is your only life ... it's up to you to create ... create now.
66. decide you want to live a dignified life book can inspire others
67. As you grow to appreciate how far you are
68. Never give up
Perform these actions
69. Make eye contact with other strong
70. Smile at strangers
71. Talk to at least 1 day abroad
72. Take a martial arts class
73. Sincerely compliment someone every day
74. asks people deep questions
75. Go hang gliding
76. Always communicate honestly with others
77. Play truth or dare always look
78. Avoid yes or no answers to questions, expand
79. Go cliff jump
80. Be the party in social gatherings
81. Have a party at your house
82. Ask someone on
83. Dance every chance you get, dancing every chance you get
84. Go skydiving
85. Be spontaneous
86. silly Act
87. Meet friends with similar goals and challenge each other
88. Accept all challenges
89. Never refuse all get social
90. Read the book
91. social experiments such as giving free hugs
92. Or wearing silly outfits public
93 with a high five contests
94. Singing in front of others
95. Public freezer (alone or with friends) until people notice
96. Role play with strangers (pretending to be a seller)
97. Go on random adventures
98. Go bungee jumping
99. Stop watching TV or playing video games and get out
100. Develop your world gain new perspectives
101. Travel the world
For more information on overcoming shyness and out of your shell, and explanations of how exactly do most of these things 101 see my eBook: How to get out of your shell