When it comes to gaming tables, there are many great games available today. But only a handful of them are really popular. One of the most popular games today is football. You can find foosball tables in many places. They are a fairly small game table that many people have in their homes. You can also find them in many rooms of public games, bars, bowling allies, clubs, schools and other areas. People of all ages love to play table football, they bring family and friends for a lot of good times and happy memories. Here are four things about foosball you may not know.
Similar games first came about in the 1890s, but the game as we know it today was invented in 1922 in the UK. It was patented in the UK in 1923, and the United States in 1927. Other than billiards and tennis, it is one of the oldest board games still played today.
Foosball was inspired by a Tottenham Hotspur Football Club football (soccer). Known as the Spurs, they are based in Tottenham, north London. Harold Searles Thornton was a strong supporter of Spurs and football in general. After attending a game, it's got to thinking it would be fun to reproduce the football game so it can be enjoyed by everyone in the house. He formed the basis of the game with matches in the top of the matchbox. Thornton has patented the game in the UK, and his uncle, who lived in Portland, Oregon, patented the game in the United States.
The game's popularity spread rapidly. Contest occurred the first time in Europe in the 1940 Contest money was not observed until 1975 when Lee Peppard, Seattle, Washington, organized the "quarter million dollar tour". The organization of Lee went out of business in 1981, after the award millions of dollars in prize money. While other organizations have also organized large bag foosball events worldwide, the International Table Soccer Federation (ITFS) was not established until 2002 in France. The ITFS now regulates many international events, including an annual World Cup.
Foosball tables can vary in size and the number of men, depending on where you are in the world. Normally foosball tables are designed for 2 to 4 players. But specialized tables were also made, including a table called the Leonhart table that is located in Berlin, Germany. This table requires 11 players on each side to play (or you can count on getting a good workout!). In addition to the game variations, even the name can vary. English common names for foosball include table football, table football and footzy. The French refer to it as football. In Hanover, Germany, the game is sometimes called Krökeln, or in general in Germany, it is considered Kicker. The Austrians call Wuzeln.
The next time you're in the club dragging foosball tables, you can cut some of these fun facts to your friends. They will be impressed, and maybe even a little scared of you as you play.