It is difficult to make accurate predictions baby without using any scientific or medical tool. However, it is a natural curiosity to know the sex of your baby. In fact, it is the favorite game of moms like everyone around them is happy to know the sex of the new baby to come. Many techniques to make predictions for babies have developed over the years. Let's look at the five most popular ways to make baby predictions:
1) Heartbeat
One of the most accurate methods to make predictions baby believed by many people is by calculating the baby's heartbeat. If the baby's heart rate is 140 or more than 140 then the baby's gender is female. However, if the baby's heart rate is less than 140 then the child's gender is male. It is true that there is no hard evidence for this theory, but it has worked for many people.
2) Technical ring:
If you are pregnant, you can use this ancient Chinese technique to make accurate predictions for babies. Attach your wedding ring to a strand of your hair or a thread. This is a baby gender prediction method very easy. When the mother is lying, the ring must be kept on her belly. If the ring moves in the circular direction so it's a girl. However, if it moves like a pendulum (return) then the baby will be a boy. The other way to do this technique is held by the ring on the wrist of the mother.
3) Chinese calendar:
If you want to know if your child will be a boy or a girl, then you can use the Chinese calendar to predict the sex of your child. You just have to know the month of conception and your age design for accurate forecasts for babies. For example, if your age was 33 and the month was June on the design, your baby will be a girl. Chinese lunar calendars are available on the Internet. You can easily get into the details and get the answer. This baby forecast method is very accurate if you know the exact month of conception.
4) key test:
Another good technique baby predictions is the key technique. This simply means that if a pregnant woman is presented with a key and she grabbed the top of the key, so the baby will be a girl. On the other hand, if it catches the bottom by the key, it will be a boy. In case, pregnant women caught in the middle of the key then there will be twins. This baby forecast method is quite popular and has proven to be accurate in some way.
5) Whirlpool or Main method:
This method originated in India and 99% precision results. But this can only be applied when you already have a son or daughter. For example, if you have a son or daughter; check the hairline at the back of the neck. If you see the hair forming a design like a whirlwind then the next child will be boy. However, if you see a line like the baby will be a girl then design.
You can make accurate predictions about baby if you follow the above methods. So do not wait, try it now!
Predict the sex of your baby can be fun and if it is correct, reassure equal hoped.